
Why Digitize Your Company’s HACCP Log?

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Jennifer Kinion
Contributing Writer

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, or HACCP, is the system by which food manufacturers and processors preventively address chemical, physical, and biological hazards. For years, many companies have relied on manually updating HACCP logs. However, in attempt to modernize their food safety programs and comply with the stringent record keeping requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), more and more facilities are digitizing program data, including their HACCP logs. Here’s why.

Achieve HACCP Plan Automation

HACCP is a complex system with many different components, including: hazard analysis, identification of critical control points, establishing maximums and minimum limits for processing or manufacturing characteristics, establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, and corrective actions. Additionally, records must be updated and maintained so verification procedures can be performed. In other words, the HACCP plan must be reviewed to ensure it’s actually working to minimize known hazards.

Completing these processes is exceptionally time and labor intensive, especially when obsolete recordkeeping systems like binders and clipboards are used. Instead of manually entering data, companies can now leverage mobile forms to capture critical information from the plant floor, or any other location in the supply chain. This provides the flexibility to update HACCP-related information accurately and conveniently.

Enhance Visibility

Paper-based systems also present risks of human errors and oversights. Without a single centralized system for storing HACCP information, it’s impossible to ensure everyone has ongoing visibility into the most up-to-date records and procedures. Digitizing your records, however, helps keep everyone aligned and informed, because the entire facility has visibility into the same shared system.

Technology also enhances visibility in terms of tracking HACCP plan performance. Reports and dashboards simplify analyses of KPIs like temperature and other critical control points, so you can confirm your plans are actually working. This approach supports compliance while also helping you to consistently meet your food safety and quality goals.


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